We are using LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) in this project. One LDR is for EAST side light level & another one is for WEST side light level. Both LDR are interfaced with Arduino. We have also set limit switch on EAST & WEST side to control movement of solar panel. As panel rotate any side & it reach limit position then movement of solar panel will stop. For panel movement we are using one dc motor & 12V panel is mounted on dc motor.
Whole project is operated on 12V dc. Solar panel is capable to charge 12v battery, which is using to operate circuit.
As we have received two light level’s from two LDR. Now we can make compression between 2 value’s. If EAST side light is brighter then WEST side then we will move panel to EAST side. If WEST side light is brighter then EST side then we will move panel to WEST side. WEST side is also one limit switch available. As WEST side limit switch is pressed by solar panel, circuit assume that sun set in the WEST. Now next day Sun rise again from EAST side. Our circuit will start rotating panel from WEST to EAST, until EAST side limit switch is pressed.
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